With the recent storms and being without electricity, I couldn't help but think of how our society has come to rely heavily on those nifty gadgets of ours and the tech geeks or nerds who handle those devices so well. You know exactly who I'm talking about. There's always the guy or gal who knows all about the latest electronics and how to use them effectively.
Unfortunately, I'm not so computer or tech savvy. I'm not the slowest in that regard but definitely not the 'know how' gal over it either. Yet, it comforts me when a competent tech guy can lend me his knowledge when I'm the damsel in distress while shopping at Best Buy or Circuit City.
I couldn't help but think of some of my favorite tech geeks or nerds in literature or TV. Since I recently read, JR Ward's 'Lover Unleashed', Vishous instantly comes to mind. Although his story is 'Lover Unbound', he is featured quite a bit throughout Ward's recent release. He's the type of vampire who can kick those pesky villians' assess while hacking into the Pentagon. Yeah, he's that good. And did I mention he's hot as hell... *sigh*
Willow from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' gathered invaluable information for the slayer while assisting her with protecting the citizens of Sunnydale. And let's not forget the extra boost she gave to her friends when she played around with the dark magic. Yep, that witch could download faster than you can say Bill Gates.
Val Kilmer played one hot nerd in the 1980's movie 'Real Genuis'. He might not have been the computer brains in the movie, but his intelligence and wit made me scream with delight. I believe that's when I first fell in love with him.
There are several tech geeks or nerds we've fallen in love with over the years. Whether it's for their product knowledge, corky personalities, or sexy thumb drives. Well, who's your geek love?